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Home Personal Power Responding To Life With Empowered Grace

Some people live with empowered grace. We’ll talk more about that in a minute, but first a thought about the title of this post.

I struggled with – “Responding To Life With Empowered Grace”. I struggled because I am all about taking life by the horns and working hard each day to determine my destiny.

I teach people act – to not just go in the direction of their dreams, but to manifest dreams that will come to you.

I believe that opportunity may be hard to recognize if you are looking for a gift horse. If opportunity is to come your way, you have got to get up, get out and go get it!

In light of this, the word “responding” didn’t sit well with me.

The more I thought about and stewed over it, I began to realize that even as we are out there doing our best, acting powerfully and pushing past our fears into our destiny, sometimes life is a brutal taskmaster that does all it can to push us down.

Life happens.

No matter how hard we are out there working – sometimes life just happens. Dark days come and we are forced into a struggle.

At that point life wants a response.

Thus the reasoning for today’s title.

Have you been there? Me too.

The thing about life is – we get to choose how we respond.  It’s a choice. We can control it. We can remain powerful. That, my friends, is good news!

Now let’s take a look at the thought of responding to life with empowered grace.

Over the years I have been fortunate to cross paths with people who are right in the throws of a struggle and who respond with a power and beauty that was stunning.  They embodied what I have come to call “empowered grace.”

Here is what I have learned from them:

1. They have a stillness about them.

Empowered grace is still, calm, restful almost serene. In the face of their darkest days of grief, sickness, loss and more, they meet the tempest with a sense of stillness.

This is empowered grace.

2. They look within for strength.

I’ve learned through watching that when we are faced with the storms of life, somehow we begin to realize and tap into an inner strength that we may have not known, or previously used.

Those who respond to life with empowered grace do so from within.

The struggle forces them to realize something I have said for a long time: No matter what name you give a power, there is a power.

Call the power God, the Universe, Spirit or whatever – empowered, graceful people know that power comes from within.

3. They smile – and even laugh.

Have you ever been around someone who you know is hurting, fighting or suffering and in the midst of it all, they have moments of complete laughter? It is amazing to see.

I believe that people who live with empowered grace share the smile, the laugh or the joke – for you – not for themselves. They want your comfort as much as they want their own.

Now that’s grace – having the consideration for those around you and doing it in such a way that is pleasant, balanced, supple and lovely.

Doing this, responding this way, exemplifying this spirit about you even in the presence of a personal battle with life – that’s empowered grace.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, stories of those you know who live with empowered grace, comments below.

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