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Home Empowerment Give Fear of Success an Expiration Date

As this year draws to an end and the light of the New Year looms near, I am sure many of you are setting resolutions and goals. It’s the acceptable and normal thing during this time.

New Year – new goals.

  • I’ll lose weight.
  • I’ll exercise.
  • I’ll save money.
  • I’ll travel.
  • I’ll start a business.

The prospect of newness is a beautiful thing. With it we feel like we can overcome the world.

Until fear sets in.

What if I succeed?

What happens if I lose the weight, exercise and save some money?

What will my life be like if I really do build a business and have the money needed to travel the world?

I know it seems a bit odd to some of you, but the fear of success is real in the lives of so many people. It rules their world and keeps them from achieving all they were meant to be.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to give fear of success an expiration date!


Here are a few techniques I have discovered over the years:

1. First, identify your fear.

I will tell you straight out – this is not the fun part of getting rid of your fear of success. This is the part that includes work

In order to identify your fear you will need to spend some time with it. Get to know it. Make friends with it. Find out where it comes from and why it has taken up residence in your particular life.

This is an inward process. It involves stopping the normal hustle and bustle of your life long enough to be honest and real with yourself. It takes courage to belly up with fear and give it an identity.

Do you have the courage? I think you do.

2. Second, address your beliefs about success.

For many, the fear of success is really not a fear at all – it is a mistaken notion they have about success.

Certain groups or organizations may have steered them into the wrong mindset at it relates to success. This mindset has now set them down a path of thinking wrongly and it has manifested itself in their life as fear.

One excellent method to help your determine and address your belief about success is to write several endings to the following sentences:

Success means….

If I experienced total success….

3. Decide what your own ideal level of success is.

The world around you has many ideas about what success is – fame, fortune, houses, cars and the like. There is nothing wrong with any of them, but they are someone else’s idea of what it means to be successful.

You need to determine your ideal level of success. Only when you understand your standards will you be able to reach them. Knowing what you want opens the door to release the fear of success.

Also, remember that what you want at this stage of your life could change, so your ideal life is certainly not written in stone. Allow it to change as you grow. Be flexible.

4. Act.

Action is the most powerful way to overcome the fear of success. You can identify and address and decide all day long, but if you never act – you will be left in fear.

Daily, consistent action towards your goals and ideal success is a sure and certain way to push out the fear and fill the void. It is the best way to take control of your life and destiny.

Action is key.

Once again, do you have the courage to overcome the fear of success. I truly think you do.

Armed with these techniques you have all that you need to give fear of success an expiration date!

Your Turn:

What techniques have you used in your life to overcome fear? What goals do you have for the coming year? 

Share your thoughts and experiences below.

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