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Home Personal Power Stop the Lying, Start The Living


It’s time for a little self-reflection – a look inward at the “real” you.

I ask you to do this because I firmly believe that there is no opinion more vital to you than the opinion of yourself.

Did you hear me clearly? – There is no opinion more vital to you than the opinion of yourself.

Forget about what others may think of you, if you cannot be open and brutally honest with yourself, you are, my friend, living a lie.

So let me ask you straight out:

Are you a truthful person? Are you honest?

Well sure DeLores, I do my best to tell the truth in every situation in life. If a person asks me a question, I tell them the truth. Honesty is what I’m all about.

Consider this:

Human beings have the capacity to be one thing towards others and something completely different towards ourselves.

We tell the truth to friends, family, the boss and our co-workers. In a court of law we swear on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

We raise our children to live by this standard of honesty.

But when it comes to us – we lie like a dog.

When it comes to that most vital of all vital opinions – the opinion of our self – we hem and haw and tell little white lies that turn into blatant dishonesty.

So let me rephrase my original questions:

Are you a truthful person towards yourself? Are you honest with yourself about, well, you?

I’m going to give you one of my most prized possessions. I’m going to give you a truth that I have learned and lived and taught for many years. If you are willing to take this truth and believe it without hesitation or doubt, you can begin to transform your life starting this very instant.

Many of you already believe and live by this truth. Good for you! I’m not talking to you right now.

I’m talking to the liars in the crowd. The worst kind of liars – those who willingly engage in lying to themselves.

Here’s the truth:

Life is about the love of oneself and then others.

Everything hinges on you loving yourself first.

  • Your business depends on it
  • Your marriage depends on it
  • Your friendships depend on it
  • Your weight depends on it
  • Your health depends on it
  • Your grades depend on it
  • Your happiness depends on it

Your very life depends on it

You love you first.

You “get right” with you.

You believe in the power of you.

You never allow anyone else to determine your self-worth.

Let me repeat the truth

I want you to truly hear it, take it in and allow it to fill your heart and spirit.

This is one of the most important things you will do for yourself today.

It will have a direct impact on how you live today, tomorrow and the rest of your days.

If you take this in, you will be changed.

If you faithfully believe this you will stop the lying and start the living.

The very essence of life itself, is about the love of oneself and then others.

Stop the lying.

Start the living.

Your Turn:

Have you been lying to yourself. Has your opinion of yourself been filled with defeat and dread and despair? Are you ready to make a change?

Continue the conversation in the comments.

P.S. If you need someone to coach you through these issues, I would love to help. Contact me.

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